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Super-Fast 2: Delicious Bookmarklet

This is a spin on John Resig's bookmarklet which I could never quite get to work on my office IE.

This bookmarklet will tag a page in delicious without you having to load the delicious tag page. This speeds up the process considerably. How my bookmarklet differs from JR's is simply that (1)it prompts you to input the tags and (2)doesn't close the page upon bookmarking.

JR's bookmarklet called for a bit more tweaking than any of my non-geek friends could muster so this is the low maintenance version. It works on IE. I have not tested it on any other browser.

copy / drag this bookmarklet to your favourites: delish!

You obviously (1) have to change USERNAME to your delicious username and (2) be logged in to for this to work.

The Code:
javascript:u="USERNAME";tags=prompt('Tags','');q=location.href;e%20=%20""%20+%20(window.getSelection%20? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); p=document.title;window.location.href=""+u+"?tags="+escape(tags)+"&url="+escape(q)+"&description="+escape(p)+ "&extended=" + escape(e).replace(/ /g, "+");

Labels: , Furl digg Reddit TailRank Add to My Yahoo co.mments Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Blogger R

Well this bookmark worked for about 3 days and then delicious introduced a new security feature to help reduce spam. This requires a unique key for each post meaning that the bookmarklet will help populate some of the key fields but you still have to post from the delicious site... well try it yourself. waiting for some genius to develop the work around.

Thursday, February 01, 2007  

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