No Roots

Earthquake: 12:09 am

Well we just had a . It always starts the same way (in my vast experience of 3 tremors). First I think the people upstairs are being too damn loud. We're talking over zealous sex here. Then I realise the floor is moving and reconsider the cause of the banging.

The quake, 8.2 on the Richter scale, was here:

The good news is there is no risk of Tsunami in California and Alaska but as for the Acenese, well they're on their own.

I informed the security guards that the entire building was shaking but as they were on the ground floor and felt nothing, they simply thought I was nuts. They insisted that there was no and gave me that "another crazy ang moh" look. I'm like "Di Ze Dude!" and they're jusk shaking their heads and running off 'cus mysteriously the water tank broke in the next block.

Well if you felt the quake you can report it here: I felt it

Full Details: Here


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